The Lemurian Experience

What is a Lemurian Crystal? Learn to connect with these ancient holders of wisdom.


$45.00 per person


2h 30min


March 4, 6:30pm-9:00pm

About this experience

What is a Lemurian crystal? In brief, it is a crystal that has been encoded with the deep wisdom of an ancient, highly evolved and spiritual race of beings that traveled from the cosmos and lived briefly on Earth. When their Earthly home was threatened by flooding, they encoded their wisdom in crystals and sent emissaries to ‘seed’ these crystals throughout the Earth and beyond, to be discovered at a time when they were needed and when those who discovered them had evolved enough to assimilate that wisdom and create a network through time and space that spoke of unity and universal love.


The first discovery of these crystals on Earth was at the turn of the century, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, at the Diamantina Mine in Brazil.


We have been immensely blessed to be able to obtain a number of beautiful crystals from those early years of discovery, and we have curated a special collection for others who are interested in meditating with these wise and ancient beings, and experiencing the light they offer.


In the Lemurian Experience, we will discuss Lemurian lore and legacy. Each participant will be able to work directly with one of the beautiful Lemurian crystals in our collection. We will provide guidance on how to hold and activate the Lemurian crystal, and we will lead a guided journey to facilitate communication with its energy.


Participants will be encouraged to share their experience with the group. In keeping with the spirt of the Lemurians, the wisdom and insight these special crystals offer is meant to be shared with all humanity.


Class size limited to 13 participants. One space is available on scholarship for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ registration, on a first requested basis.

Your Host

Host image

The Rock Mamas: Suzanne and Toni

The crystals called to us when we were just little girls and have been our life-long allies. As adults their call deepened and broadened and we listened and followed.

We found wise teachers and dove deep into the world of Crystal Healing, Crystal Mediumship, and Crystal Light Walking – a form of shamanic journeying that lets us travel across the spiritual realms. We now work with the crystals as ancient, wise, and powerful healing partners, that are unfailingly generous with their love, light, and spirit, sharing their energy and wisdom, amplifying our own healing work and offerings with their brilliance.